
Monday, September 30, 2019

A Comparison Between Dulce Et Decorum Est and Pro Patria Essay

The First World War was the first truly modern war. Its atrocities and huge death toll changed people’s views of war drastically. Pro patria, by Owen Seaman and Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen are both war poems written around the time of the First World War, and as such share certain surface properties. However, the two poems differ hugely in their implicit meaning and intentions, giving the two poems many subtle differences between their texts. Both poems use metaphor. Seaman uses metaphor when mentioning the â€Å"brute sword† and soldiers using â€Å"storied ‘scutcheons†, a blaringly inaccurate image to conjure up the idea of chivalry and knights in shining armor, giving that the fighting would be fair and glorious, as opposed to the mass slaughter and unimaginable tortures spelled out in Owen’s Dulce et Decorum est. seaman also makes use of anthropomorphisation, making England out as some great, good but indistinct creature. He refers to England as a being of some sort, writing of it’s pleas for peace at â€Å"the nations bar†, stating that England needed to go to war to keep its honor. Owen uses metaphor to show the state of the soldiers in his poem, saying that the men were â€Å"drunk with fatigue†. The use of simile is more found only in his poem, when he talks about soldiers â€Å"bent double, like beggars under sacks† and â€Å"coughing like hags†. The u se of simile as opposed to metaphor adds to the realness of the poem. Both war poems have religious undertones. The use of Latin in both texts aids this, mimicking the Latin masses of the Catholic Church. Seaman says that those left at home whilst their sons go to war must be â€Å"strong in faith and in prayer† and that they should â€Å"ask what offering we may consecrate†, suggesting to the people back home to turn to their faith for comfort, and to be willing to give up the luxuries of a quiet life for the greater good. Dolce et Decorum est, on the other hand, uses the idea of the devil’s face to describe the expression of a gas victim: â€Å"His hanging face, like a Devil’s sick of sin† The comparison also describes the world weariness of the soldier, what atrocities must a devil be to be sick of sin? Both poems are trying to affect the public’s views on the war. Pro Patria is essentially a propaganda poem, an invention used to great effect during the Boer war and revived at the advent of the First World War. The poems early references to honor and duty are to provoke young men into singing up for the army, fabricating images of glorious victory in their minds, and carefully avoiding the nitty gritty mechanics of it, the living in squalid trenches and the likelihood of death. The later sections of the poem are addressed to the parents of the â€Å"warrior sons† urging them to keep a stiff upper lip, or as he puts it â€Å"to hush all vulgar clamor of the street†. The reason for this is that if every time a mother received a letter from the M.O.D telling her that her son was dead she were to rush out into the street screaming â€Å"OH MY GOD, MY POOR HARRY! HE’S GONE!† other mothers and fathers would have reservations about sending their sons off to war. Therefore the silence of bereaved parents of â€Å"worrier sons† went some way to helping the recruiting sergeant’s job. Dulce et Decorum est is the perfect opposite of the propaganda that is Pro Patria. Whiles Pro Patria uses misleading metaphors Dulce et Decorum est attempts to create the realities of war. Where Pro Patria attempts to glorify war and depict it as honorable, Dulce et Decorum est shows the dirt grime and suffering that went on at the front line. The impassiveness of the soldiers to the gruesome death of the gas victims as they fling him in the cart (the use of the word â€Å"flung† emphasizing the fact that this was not unusual and that it had happened before), the description of the soldiers as â€Å"beggars† shows a stark contrast to Seaman’s proud and noble warrior sons. In structure the poems are quite similar, Dulce et Decorum est seeming to be almost a parody of the older Pro Patria. Indeed when read line by line alternately from different poems, the poems seem to compliment each other: â€Å"England in this great fight to which you go, Bent double like old beggars under sacks†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Also, the last stanzas of both poems use very similar rhyme patterns. Pro Patria’s penultimate lines rhyme best with test, and Dulce et Decorum est rhymes zest with est in the same lines (in relation to the end). Both poems encapsulate their message in the last lines, the finishing pleas of Seamen for parents to send their sons to war, and the solemn Latin verse of Dulce et Decorum est warning people not to indulge in jingoism: â€Å"My friend you would not tell with such high zest, To children†¦, the old lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori (How sweet and fitting it is to die for your country) Both poems are from around the time of the First World War, Pro Patria was written just before the outbreak, written during the conflict. I believe that the stance taken by the authors stems from their experience of the war and the time at which they were written. Seaman did not and could not know what was to happen in the Great War, as it was yet to happen when he wrote the poem. Owen, on the other hand, had been at the front line, and had seen what he was writing about, and felt a need to tell others what he had seen, as opposed to Seaman who was writing for the government.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Arthur Miller’s play Essay

â€Å"In the book of record that Mr Parris keeps, I note that you are rarely in church on Sabbath day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ twenty-six times in seventeen month, sir. I must call that rare†¦ † this can cause people be rebellious and there is also the fact that not everyone feels the same way about religion and forcing people would cause resentment between the community it self, and that is exactly what we find happening. Let’s take the Walcott’s. They blamed Martha Corey of being a witch. This was due to the fact that she had sold them a pig and it died. When they asked for their money back saying that she had given them a sick pig, she refused and said â€Å"Walcott, if you haven’t the wit to feed a pig properly, you’ll not live to own many† After that, the Walcott’s claimed that they couldn’t keep a pig alive for more than four weeks and so accused her of being a witch. The whole witchcraft business turned into something to settle old grudges. We even find Ann Putnam accusing Rebecca Nurse, who as we know was a very religious and god fearing woman. She accuses her because of her jealousy of Rebecca having so many children and grandchildren and not one of them died. She accused Rebecca of murdering her babies with her powers as a witch. So we find that the community was very much involved in accusing and taking advantage of these witch trials as a way of solving old grudges and to put it to use for their personal vendettas. There was also the mistake of John Proctor. He should have gone to the court and told them at the beginning what Abigail had told him, before the whole thing got so out of hand. â€Å"The towns mumbling witchcraft. † â€Å"Oh, posh! We were dancin’ in the woods last night, and my uncle leaped in on us. She took a fright is all† This shows that Abigail admits that there is no truth in the witchcraft rumour. By the time he went and told them, they had already thrown a lot of people in jail for witchcraft. For them to listen to Proctor would be admitting that they had made a mistake, and that in it self would mean that other problems would arise for them. Proctor’s affair with Abigail had also somewhat caused these witch trials. Abigail, due to her infatuation with Proctor had gone to the woods where she drank a blood charm to kill his wife and was discovered by Parris. That was the start of the rumours of witchcraft. There was also the mistake of Elizabeth Proctor. If she had not lied, the court would have been overthrown. â€Å"Is your husband a lecher?! † â€Å"No sir† â€Å"She spoke nothing of lechery, and this man has lied! † The lie caused the fact that Abigail had confessed to Proctor that she had been dancing and that there was no witchcraft done on them, to be dismissed as a lie told by Proctor. So once again the witch trials were back on. Rebecca Nurse seemed to be the only person who understood what was going on. â€Å"I have seen them all through their silly season† She knew that what Betty and Ruth were doing was just their childhood mischiefs. In fact Abigail, when talking to Proctor, had said â€Å"She took fright, is all† about Betty’s condition. So we can see that not all of the community was bad. And of course we cannot forget the legal system â€Å"the court’s† input into the trials, as they had held them. First of all the rule that if you confessed to witchcraft you would not be hanged but if you didn’t then you will hang, is totally preposterous. This means that even if people were innocent, which we know they were, they would have to confess to save their lives. If people confess then it would be known that witchcraft is about in Salem and so there would be no talk of overthrowing the court. In fact even after finding out that the accusations of witchcraft had been a hoax they were not ready to admit mistake and went on further and executed some more people. â€Å"I cannot think they would run off except they fear to keep in Salem anymore. Mark it, sir, Abigail had close knowledge of this town†¦. † This shows that Abigail had been lying. So the question is how much was it Abigail’s fault that these witch trials took place. After gathering sufficient evidence from the play, one cannot be certain and say that Abigail was to blame entirely because we know it is not entirely true. We know there were other factors and people who supported and played a big part in the trials. We also know that a lot of it was to settle old grudges and to deal with individuals personal vendettas. Still we cannot deny the fact that Abigail was the main reason for these witch trials. The drinking of the blood charm and dancing and heaven knows what else and then being discovered started the talk of witchcraft and after that, one after the other, the drastic events of the Salem witch trials unfolded. In my opinion I feel that Abigail was to blame somewhat although I would not blame her entirely. Living in a strict community and having seen terrible things happen in front of her as a child could definitely not have helped her behaviour and mentality. I myself would also hold responsible the court and people like the Putnam’s and the Walcott’s and also Parris, to some extent, for the trials. Not really for being a cause for starting them as such, although I do think they played some part, but mainly for contributing to them after they had started. As for Abigail, her behaviour cannot be excused, yet we can try and understand why she did what she did. We know that a lot of it had to do with her obsession with Proctor but if we were to look just beneath the surface we would find that, at least in my opinion, that Abigail was somewhat mentally psychotic in some ways and really needed a good and loving home to support her after the murder of her parents to have prevented her from her terrible deeds. By Kausar Hussain 10S Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Benefits & Costs of Collaboration in IT Workplace

Two or more people or organisations ing together for a mon goal is a collaboration (Schuman, 2006). It is a joint effort (Rouse, 2016) and by definition excludes individual work. Information Technology (IT) is the use of puters, networks, storage and other infrastructure to store, retrieve, process, and share electronic data and is often employed in the context of business as opposed to personal use (Bigelow, 2015). This short paper discusses the benefits and costs of collaboration in an IT workplace. Collaboration promotes a superior quality of work by supporting the division of labour on which our present-day society is based. The ever-increasing specialisation in technology, processes, and customer requirements mean that an individual in an organisation can specialise and thus excel in one or just a handful of domains to be adding value to the entity's mission (Belcher, n.d.). This requirement implies we need to bring together people of different skills to achieve goals, thus, collaboration. Multiple minds working together leads to that many ideas and leads to achieve the task at hand. Collaboration helps build team morale and helps increase job satisfaction (Boyer, n.d.). It increases the chances of interaction among the team members which may aid in honing resilient teams which will care about the quality of work they produce. Collaboration requires the participation of multiple people, and thus the need to keep them on the same page, and thus meetings. It leads to meetings which are often inefficient and result in wasting time (Harmon & Cullinan, 2016). Collaboration may lead to useless power struggles (Belcher, n.d.). In the absence of a real authority figure, some individuals may attempt to gain power rather than concentrate on the task at hand. It may also lead to covert conflicts in working styles of individuals (Belcher, n.d.) who would rather like to work solo. Some of these people of these employees may take out their tension on the work, thus being detrimental to the organisation's goals. Belcher, L. Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaboration in the Workplace. Chron. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://smallbusiness.chron /advantages-disadvantages-collaboration-workplace-20965.html Bigelow, S. (2015). What is Information Technology (IT)? - Definition from WhatIs . TechTarget. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://searchdatacenter.techtarget /definition/IT Boyer, S. The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace. Nutcache. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.nutcache /blog/the-importance-of-collaboration-in-the-workplace/ Harmon, S. & Cullinan, R. (2016). The Dark Side of Collaboration. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.huffingtonpost /shani-harmon/the-dark-side-of-collabor_b_9825020.html Rouse, M. (2016). What is collaboration? - Definition from WhatIs . TechTarget. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://whatis.techtarget /definition/collaboration Schuman, S. (2006). Creating a culture of collaboration (1st ed.). San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Indian Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Indian Family - Essay Example Here, it is clear that regardless of who will ultimately dominate the seed (which here is the child) the field is the mother and the father, being the tender of the field owns the wife. The wife is his field to do with as he see fit but he must always remember that the seed will only be as good as the field has been tended. The field not only refers to the woman but to her womb. The womb, like a field is where something is harvested. Meaning, on a field, vegetables and grains are harvested and in a womb, a child is harvested. The child is the seed in the womb of a mother and ultimately takes great priority over the womb, meaning the mother. Ultimately it is clear that the wife and mother rank lowest. Indeed, it is women who rank lowest in the system of life and ironically they are the givers of it. Women are viewed as vacant fields waiting to be planted by their owner/husbands. When there is a relationship between the husband and wife without infidelity, the seed (or child) will be at its' best. Thus it is somewhat difficult to see how the womb or seed would win where there is obviously no contest between the two. It is apparent that the seed, or the man wins every time and that this is not to be seen as the weakness of a woman but rather her glory.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Company analysis - Sears Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Company analysis - Sears - Term Paper Example Henceforth, the study attempts to determine the recent corporate governance issues that are currently affecting the company's decisions and to report how the company is or should be handling the issues. Mission, vision, and primary stakeholders: The most important mission of the company is to build customer relationships by providing better qualities of wide ranges of goods and services, like clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty products, appliances, housewares, tools, and electronics. Profitability or the policy of making more money is another important mission of the company. The final mission of the company is to make improvements in each and every day in the business domain and also in the market and to the customer through achievement of greater customer satisfaction. The most important vision of the company is explained by the company itself which is: â€Å"Sears is committed to improving the lives of our customers by providing quality services, products, an d solutions that earn their trust and build lifetime relationships† (Vision, mission, values, 2012, p. 1). The company was founded by Richard Warren Sears and Alvah Curtis Roebuck in 1886. From its beginning, the primary stakeholders of the company were Richard Warren Sears and Alvah Curtis Roebuck. In 2005, the company was merged with Kmart and created Sears Holdings Corporation. Since then, the owners of Kmart also become the primary stakeholder of the company (Corporate History: A retailing legend is born, 2012, p. 1). Five forces of competition and its impacts on the company: Threat of new entrants: The large size of the company, the large size of the market share of the company, the high level of customer satisfaction, cost-effective business strategies, as well as high level of profit making ability are creating potential threats for new entrants to enter into competition with the company. This is in effect raising the level of profit and market share of the company. Thr eat of Substitute Products: Since the company is only a departmental store of various goods and services which are products or services of other production houses, therefore, the theory of substitute is not directly related to the company. However, the company faces competition from other departmental store like WalMart. In this case, the company takes strategies like lowering prices of various products and/or increasing the quality of these products to create treats to substitute companies and their products. These strategies are helping the company to increase the share of the market and also to make more profits. Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of the suppliers of various goods and services supplied to the company depends upon the markets for those products and services. Since the markets for various products sold by the company are very large, therefore, these suppliers are also gaining little bargaining power in the market and, hence, the amount of earned pr ofits of the company is very high. Between 1950s and 1970s the high quality of products sold by Sears and greater volume of profits gave the company’s suppliers negligible amount of bargaining power. Bargaining power of customers: The greater level of customer satisfaction is the most important part of the success story of the company. In this regard, the level of bargaining power of the customers of the company is also low. However, this does not mean that the company implements whatever policies it wants to

The World is Spiky by Richard Florida Assignment

The World is Spiky by Richard Florida - Assignment Example They are spreading all over the globe and those countries that are able to access these advances are putting their mark on this globe. This is a phenomenon synonymous with modern world. He also asserts that education plays an important role in further flattening the ground and there is need to set the bar high for leaders as other players re overtaking. Evidently, the assertions put by Thomas are true. They are based on the current observation. However, there are details left out such as the progress of the technological leaders during the time others were catching up. Robert Florida puts forth that people with talent are being attracted to areas which are renowned for technological progress and output. The potential of the areas to attract talent from other parts is high because there is a concentration of financiers and appropriate education. This attraction has led to development of top areas or â€Å"spikes†. The areas where these talents are pulled from are low in progres s and productiveness.   The flattening effect notion arises because these areas are dispersing. Therefore, there is no denying that there are hills and valleys in the economy only that the distance between respective hills and valleys is being shortened by dispersion. The peaks are concentrated in Europe and the U.S and that signifies why more patents come from few recognized areas.Robert Florida is more salient because his presentations add an extra dimension which is disparity. Notably, he builds on what Thomas Friedman puts forward.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business plan and some figures.a Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business plan and some figures.a - Essay Example These partnering companies are called Pks and Shane. The companies will each buy 1000 units of wigs each month. This means therefore that we will produce 2000 units each month at  £450 per unit. The company is looking forward to securing a loan with your bank to ensure a boost in the sales and advertisements for the company’s products as well as its expansion. In the budgeted financials for the first year of operation the company expects to report promising returns from venturing in the industry. The company’s budgeted profits are  £7,242,400.00 for the first financial year. The company has we are looking to increase the market share thus we will require additional financing from your bank of an amount amounting to  £10,000,000. We are requesting the amount based on our projected revenues and a further increase of 30% of our budgeted expenses. The current market interest rate is at 7% which will be conducive for our organisation. The company’s management is aware of the repayment period of three year. Paying monthly payments of  £308,770.97 as per the loan amortization schedule shown in the appendix, the organisation will be committed in repaying the loan without failure. Wonderland Company intends to venture in the beauty industry in selling and distribution of female wigs both locally and internationally. The company has established two main distributors in the local market. These distributers are the PKs and the Shane companies limited. The company is looking forward to expanding is market to the international market thus the main reason to securing a business loan. The company will be sourcing its virgin hair ingredients from India, this is because of the great confidence that local consumers have on the hair. Indian hair is voted to be the best quality and consumer friendly in terms of price. The decision was reached after conducting research of the afro Caribbean hair

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Concept analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept analysis - Assignment Example After her first three years of work, she was voted as the best nurse in terms of all round mutual care. Most of the patients like her for her active listening role in their discussion and she always took time to study in order to get more insight into caring for her patients. Mr. Tom Chuck passed his nursing NCLEX exam and was employed as a care nurse in a mental institution. After working for three months, he had been reported to the management by patients for not listening to them. He however took time to study in order to get more insight into caring for her patients. Josephine Monroe passed her nursing NCLEX exam and was later hired as a registered nurse in geriatric care hospital. Barely had two years passed before she was voted as the best nurse in the hospital. Most of the patients like her for her active listening role in their discussion and she always took time to study in order to get more insight into caring for her patients. June Foster has been employed in a mental institution as a caring nurse. She appears less competent than normal compared to other nurses and is never at work early. Many issues have been raised against her nursing qualification and patients complain about her ignorance. Kyla Evans is registered nurse who graduated top in her class and got a job with a leading general care hospital in the country. After her first one year at the job, Ms. Evans has been able to work in different departments of the hospital and always voted as the best nurse in each department. Potter Davis worked for thirty years as a registered nurse and quit his work as a nursing professional in order to go to private practice. Prior quitting, Mr. Davies has not furthered his studies and was quite lazy in helping other colleagues at work. Two years after quitting his license expired and never bothered to renew it. He later applied to be reinstated back to active nursing practice after staying out of practice

Monday, September 23, 2019

Market Challengers, Market Followers and Market Nichers Essay

Market Challengers, Market Followers and Market Nichers - Essay Example In Information Technology markets, however the companies do not hesitate in openly comparing their features with those of the competition by publishing named comparison tables between specific models - like Apple Macintosh compared with Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Linux compared with Microsoft Windows, IBM storage model compared with HP storage model, etc. These comparisons are printed in brochures that are sent to the decision making personnel of organizations through channel partners. The author has come across decision making documents written by IT managers in comparing between such companies by carefully studying what each vendor in competition presents in comparison with others. The brochures indicate kind of cut throat competition among vendors whereby the negative parts of the competition are highlighted promptly by each vendor - the fight is to influence the decision maker as much as possible in their favour. Example of Market Follower Market followers do not attempt to achieve drastic changes in consumer attitudes towards new innovations because they are scared of the back firing of such strategies. However, Banbury and Mitchell (1995) argue that "firms that define themselves as pioneers tend to garner greater market share than those that define themselves as followers". In Croatia a number of local food outlets try to design their fast food products in line with popular chains like McDonald and Pizza Hut but none of them attract consumers to the extent companies like McDonald and Pizza Hut are able to, in spite of keeping lower prices or offering discount schemes. The author himself feels reluctance in going to such joints given their strategy of just following the established brands and only visits them just for occasional change of taste. As per Banbury and Mitchell (1995), even slight innovations in established products can improve the market share of companies if they are able to tangibly demonstrate them to the consumers. Example of Market Nicher The concept of niche market positioning to establish: (a) Organization's own niche markets (b) Consumers possessing distinctive choices (c) Socio-demographic positions associated with consumers and their corresponding choices (d) Niche products matching consumer choices [Hannan and Carroll et al. 2003] In Croatia, Oracle is perceived to be targeting niche markets. In the author's auditing assignments, it was discovered that Oracle's products are priced much higher than the competitive products by Microsoft and IBM by virtue of certain features that are unmatched by the competition and the choice of some IT managers running mission critical applications who never look forward to any other database products (they call it RDBMS) than Oracle. Also, Oracle is found to be non-flexible in their pricing strategies and kind of unwilling to compete in the market segments where Microsoft & IBM are popular. The author could

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Be Able to Contribute to Planning Learning Activities Essay Example for Free

Be Able to Contribute to Planning Learning Activities Essay Hello Harry I met you at the Hyatt Hotel in Birmingham and I spoke to your assistant manager about my trip to Malawi. I Hope you are ok! Below is a picture of me and you at villa part in 2010! WOW! I had the most amazing opportunity to volunteer in Ghana for 6 weeks in July, its quiet unbelievable to be given another opportunity to help make people happy again!! BUT!! Every volunteer MUST raise  £800. ALL Money raised goes to projects whilst we are out there etc. I shall be working with Orphans and also teaching mothers how to educate their child. I’m finding it extremely difficult to raise my fundraising target and I have  £635 to go until lively minds (company im going with) are happy with my fundraising, Its totally stressing me out as I have to pay for my own flights too!! Which is an additional  £700 and coming from a single parent family on a council estate is hard, I just want to make myself proud and have a good life This is the only thing that makes me happy, Lifes pretty dull to be honest . But when I’m making others happy and putting smiles on the faces of children who truly have nothing to live for, but keep going and keep fighting their everyday life makes me happy about myself. When I spoke to you before the game you said you woul help me reach my fundraising target. I truly hope that is still possible so i can then the company can lay off my back and I concentrate on raising my flight costs. It would mean the world if you could help me on this quest. To be able to relax and know i am going to Ghana and not telling people â€Å"Maybe depending on if i achieve my fundraising target† would be HARRYmazing! Haha.. Bad joke i know!! Thankyou for your kindness and ill thoroughly appreciate anything you are able to do to help me reach my target goal! Thank you so much! All the best take care Jordan Goodridge Please check my just giving page – www.justgiving.co.uk/childrenofghana Twitter [emailprotected] These pictures were when i volunteered in Malawi in July – September 2012 working with orphans who had HIV/AIDS. I hope you are able to help me reach my target! Thankyou!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Moving From Colleague To Supervisor

Moving From Colleague To Supervisor 1. Managers can use the wrong type of leadership because each team must use the appropriate strategy for management and leadership, which will create the most favorable conditions of the collective work. I think that in this situation the companies have poor socio-psychological climate. So, the relations with colleges and socio-psychological factors are the most important for the selecting of leadership style. However, exactly this area of management, which is linked to managers relationship with his subordinates, plays a key position in terms of the success of the head as a whole. No matter how talented and hard-working boss is, but if his efforts are not supported by his subordinates a result is unlikely to be particularly successful. It is evident that each manager chooses the style that best suits him for a specific company, and under his personality type. But here are some important tips that can be taken into account: the leader must understand that the company as a single organism. It lives according to certain laws both the general business laws, as well as their own, which exist only inside the company. It is therefore important to feel the unity of the company, and in accordance with this pick a style guide, which will be the most harmonious. In our case of Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee, who were promoted into management positions , the leaders must take into account the psychology of people who work with the leaders and remember that first of all people do the business! Any new leader faces with the question: what kind of management style to choose? There are different types of management: soft, hard, democratic or totalitarian. It is vitally important for the manager to choose the appropriate method of leadership in the particular company, taking into consideration the specific of the company and its team of employees. If the manager can not choose the style of company management, it means that he does not possess the necessary knowledge in the field of managing people. Such a person may be the best employee, but does not know the psychology of management and psychology of team leadership. Then the person can not become a member of the team and become its leader. In such a case a person must pass training on the management of company and personal effectiveness. Some assistance can provide the model F. Fiedler, that help to choose the management style. There are different leaders: the head who is task oriented, and the head who is focused on interpersonal relations. Using special tools installed, future manager can decide what type of leader he belongs to. This and other training and techniques can help to select the desired style of management, and follow it. (Bennis, W 1998) 3. Leadership is an art, it requires professionalism, intelligence and specific skills. There are such types as authoritarian style, democratic, passive and individualized. It is clear that each manager chooses the style that best suits him for a specific company, and under your personality type. But here are some important tips that can be taken into account: The leader must understand that the company is as a single organism, it lives according to certain laws both the general business laws, as well as their own, which exist only inside the company. It is therefore important to feel the unity of the company, and in accordance with this pick a style guide, which will be the most harmonious. It is important to remember that nothing stands still, everything is moving and changing. The head also should not stand still, he should grow up, get additional education, constantly learn new things and innovate in the company. Then it will keep pace with rapidly changing times and avoid stagnation. Therefore, the selected style guide should take into account the need for changes in the company. Consider the psychology of people who work with the leader. Remember that business is people first, and only then technology. Therefore, for any manager its important to pick a team that everyone was not only in its place, but also successfully coped with their responsibilities and was able to more effectively reach their potential, because it depends on the success of the company. (Tittemore 2003) So, I must conclude that when selecting the style of leadership, future leaders must take into account the psychological features of the team. Â  In the companies where work Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee there is some conspiracy, when people are polite, but there is no sincere relationship, people hide their views. In such a team leader Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee does not know how to resolve conflicts, reach consensus not developed loyalty to the staff team and the manager. Teams do not have mutual understanding and trust between employees, which means integrity and honesty with concern for the good of everyone. Therefore, I think that when choosing the leadership style, managers first need to find common goals: To achieve personal understanding;Â   Seek opportunities for regular joint problem-solving; To establish trust between employees and teams. (Adams and Shields, 1994) If to consider the current cases of Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee, who were promoted into management positions, I think they need to select a democratic style of governance, which is characterized by the distribution of authority, initiative and responsibility between the manager and deputy, the leader and subordinates. are the main characteristics of the style: manager always seeks the views of staff on important industrial issues, but takes decisions as a body; communication with subordinates is in the form of requests, suggestions, recommendations, advice, rewards for quality and operational work, friendly and polite, if necessary apply orders; the head tries to stimulate a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates. (Tittemore 2003) I think that this management style will help managers to improve relations in the team and become good leaders. 4. Promotion of employees to leadership position as well as a new outsider leader can be important news in the company, and always a change in the team. The staff and employees may not always well react on promotions of colleagues. In such a situation it becomes difficult to establish relationships between employees and the new leader. But if the new manager came from another company, it is even harder to become a leader, because he does not know the team, does not know the rules of the company and its climate. He needs to learn everything and adapt to new conditions, and choose a style of leadership. So I believe that promotion within the company is more successful. First of all, the new head already knows his subordinates, he knows the psychological climate of the company. In this situation, head should better choose a democratic style of management, and to remain on friendly terms with the team, but do not become an authoritarian leader, that may spoil relations with the colleges.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay on Camus’ The Stranger (The Outsider): The Gentle Meursault :: Camus Stranger Essays

The Gentle Meursault of Camus’s The Stranger (The Outsider) In Albert Camus’s The Stranger, Meursault, the protagonist, could be seen as immoral if he were judged on the basis of his actions alone. However, through Camus’s use of a first person narrative, we begin to understand Meursault as not an immoral man, but simply an indifferent one. Meursault is a symbol of the universe, and so in understanding him we understand that the universe is also not evil, but instead a place of gentle indifference. At first glance, Meursault could be seen as an evil man. He shows no grief at his mother’s funeral, worrying more about the heat. His first reaction to his mother’s death is not sadness, it is a matter-of-fact, unemotional acceptance of the situation. â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know.† Later on in the story, Meursault kills an Arab on the beach, and his only concern is that he has ruined the calm, pleasant day he was having. When he is in jail, the magistrate comes in an attempt to save Meursault’s soul, but instead of cooperating, Meursault simply confounds the magistrate by refusing to believe in God. Even at his trial, Meursault doesn’t show any remorse for having killed the Arab. Based on this evidence alone, how can we not see Meursault as evil? In the novel, we are given a more complete view of Meursault. The story is told from his point-of-view, which allows us to understand the situation as Meursault perceives it. Looking at the situation in this light, we can see Meursault as not evil, but simply indifferent and detached from life. He doesn’t attempt to get wrapped up in emotion or relationships, he just takes things as they come, doing whatever is easiest for him. He becomes friends with Raymond and agrees to marry Marie simply because he doesn’t have a very good reason not to. Seeing the story from Meursault’s viewpoint, we understand that even killing the Arab wasn’t an act of malice or evil intent. As Meursault puts it, â€Å"My nature is such that my physical needs often get in the way of my feelings.† With this in context, things begin to make more sense. Meursault’s seemingly cryptic statement that he murdered the Arab â€Å"because of the sun† can be taken as truth . Meursault does things that society judges as wrong not because he is evil or wants to appear immoral, but because the sun and heat, symbols for Meursault’s emotional state, cause him to become uncomfortable and act â€Å"inappropriately.

Essay on Voltaires Candide - Fallacy of Optimism Exposed

Fallacy of Optimism Exposed in Candide In Candide, Voltaire paints a dismal and satirical view of the world. Voltaire paints a pessimistic portrait of a naà ¯ve youth who is raised to believe that this is best of all worlds. Time and again, Voltaire clearly portrays his belief that this is not the best of all possible worlds.    The characters of the story face great adversity. In chapter 10, Cunegonde states that her misfortune is so great that she does not see how the old woman's story of woe can surpass her own. In chapters 11 and 12 the old woman then goes onto tell of her misfortune. When she finishes Candide and Cunegonde are amazed at the hard times this woman has faced. At the proposal of the old woman, Candide and Cunegonde ask others on the ship relate their adventures, and sure enough, the others on the boat have stories that can match or surpass Cunegonde's tale of woe.    Throughout most of the book, Voltaire pokes fun at Leibniz's that according to the hierarchical structure of monads that this is best of all possible worlds. Candide and Pangloss are the main characters used to satirize the belief that this is the best of all possible worlds. Pangloss is a blind optimist; he refused to see things being anything other than the best. No matter what sort of natural disaster or misfortune falls upon someone Pangloss heralds it is being for the best.   Candide-the naà ¯ve follower of Pangloss-is first a blind follower of Pangloss, but eventually comes to reject his teachings. In chapter 3 after meeting John the Anabaptist, Candide affirms, "now I am convinced that my Master Pangloss told me truth when he said that everything was for the best in this world." However, in the beginning of Chapter 4 only few p... ...t this is not the best of all possible worlds. Though some good things happen along their adventures, Candide's fellow adventurers face great misfortune. Eventually they are forced to live a life of labor-not at all befitting their noble ancestry. Though greatly disappointed with their outcome all but Candide insist on claiming that all is for the best. The complete absurdity that one could go through as much and end up in the place where they end up and still claim that all was for the best furthers Voltaire's belief in the fallacy of systematic optimism.    Works Cited and Consulted: Frautschi, R.L. Barron's Simplified Approach to Voltaire: Candide. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1998. Lowers, James K, ed. "Cliff Notes on Voltaire's Candide". Lincoln: Cliff Notes, Inc. 1995. Voltaire. Candide. New York: Viking Publishers, 1996.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Islam :: essays research papers

--The Prophet Muhammad (p) was asked by his contemporaries about Allah. The answer came directly from God Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an that is considered the essence of the Unity of God or the motto of monotheism. â€Å"Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto Him.† [Al-Qur’an 112:1-4] --Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, man should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow nothing to induce him to deny the truth. When true faith enters a person’s heart, it impacts the person’s outlook and behavior. The Prophet said, â€Å"Faith is that which resides firmly in the heart and which is proved by deeds†. One of the striking results of faith is the feeling of gratitude towards God, which could be said to be the essence of Ibada (worship). The feeling of gratitude is so important that anyone denying the Truth is called kafir, ‘one who is ungrateful.’ A believer loves, and is grateful to God for the bounties He bestowed upon him. He is aware of the fact that his good deeds are far from being commensurate with Divine favors, and therefore he is always anxious to please God. He remembers God often. The Qur’an promotes this feeling of gratitude by repeating the attributes of God very frequently. â€Å"Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.† [Al-Qur’an 59:22-24] â€Å"Allah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Continuous improvement Essay

What is continuous improvement means in the context of organisational success Continuous improvement is a quality philosophy that assumes further improvements are always possible and that processes should be continuously re-evaluated and improvements implemented. It is also the seeking of small improvements in processes and products, with the objective of increasing quality and reducing waste. It is believed that an organization must constantly measure the effectiveness of its processes and strive to meet more difficult objectives to satisfy customers. Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to improve products, services or processes. These efforts can seek â€Å"incremental† improvement over time or â€Å"breakthrough† improvement all at once How it is possible to lead continuous improvement systems and processes -Encouraging and supporting team members to participate in decision-making processes: Quality management is a process in business that requires participation from everyone, from senior management to those on the shop floor. Quality management can only be effective if everyone participates and contributes ideas for the overall improvement of a business. Without active participation by everyone, you are not getting everything you could get from the process. You need to involve everyone; you need to ensure that you listen to everyone’s ideas. After all, often it is not just management who know how to make improvements. Those on the shop floor deal with problems on a daily basis, and this puts them in the best position to find ways of making improvements. In this section we will look at ways of working with your team to ensure that you are getting the active participation of all team members. There are a range of tools that can be used to ensure that your team is encouraged to participate in the continuous improvement process. oBrainstoming oCheck sheets oMind mapping oCause and Effect diagram oNorminal Group technique oConsensus oVoting -Ensuring continuous improvement processes are communicated to stakeholders: In order to be successful, it is important that quality initiatives and the general concept of quality management is promoted throughout an organisation. Quality management requires solid commitment on the part of management and all staff members in order to be regarded as successful, and promotion is an extremely useful means of showing, and developing, this commitment. We will examine promotion of quality through a cyclic approach. In a sense, this approach can be likened to the idea of quality management, as it involves continuous improvement of ideas. The four major means of communicating and promoting quality initiatives within an organisation are: oNewsletters oWorkshops oForum groups oPresentations -Developing effective mentoring and coaching processes: Many industries have very high worker turnover and recruiting staff and more importantly retaining them can be quite difficult to achieve. Having a coach or mentor in place can help relieve much of the stress that new staff feel when they begin a new job. New staff may lack experience or some of the core skills required to undertake a specific job and by having a coach or mentor there to provide assistance, you can assist in reducing the stress felt by new staff undertaking a new job. The process of having a coach or mentor assigned to your new staff is not a new idea, but one which can provide significant advances in improving overall quality in the workplace. They also enhance the individual employees performance. There are a number of different methods that can be used when creating a coaching or mentoring scheme in your workplace. These include: -Personal coaching programs employing external or internal coaches -Traditional’ or peer-to-peer mentoring schemes -Buddy schemes, a form of two-way peer-to-peer mentoring The method that you decide to utilise when working towards improving quality in your work place will be entirely dependant on what you are trying to fix and the type of skills that are already present in your workplace. You may also need to consider the organisation and its culture. Some organisations simply do not have the kind of culture that allows for one individual to assist another easily without the staff feeling uncomfortable. It is therefore extremely important to consider the effects of the company’s culture on any systems that you may decide to implement into the workplace. Competition, for example, among employees for reaching sales targets or earning commission may mean that there is a lack of willingness to act as an effective mentor or coach. Coaching and mentoring are generally used to provide on-job training, however it can be a lot wider than this. Coaches in the workplace can become an integral strategy in improving quality by developing staff on a continuous rather than one off basis. How an organisational leader would contribute to and implement continuous improvement initiatives It is fundamental to the success of the Management System and to the implementation of continual improvement throughout the organization that senior managers provide strong leadership; visible and active support; and, demonstrated commitment. To encourage improved individual and organization performance, executive sponsors should empower and make individuals accountable for their work. The role of senior management in continual improvement includes the following responsibilities. -Establishing a vision for continual improvement -Establishing overall goals for continual improvement -Creating the motivation for change -Establishing commitment and alignment of the senior management team -Managing the continual improvement programme -Creating a continual improvement culture -Impact on staff involved in continual improvement -Recognizing staff for continual improvement success -Openness and honesty A specific example approaches used for continual process improvement (CPI): TEPCO – JAPAN In TEPCO the following 10 steps outline the process improvement methodology: -Step 1: Determine the boundaries of the process that requires improvement, Organize, Capture â€Å"as-is† SIPOC (Suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, customers). -Step 2:Benchmark the process against industry â€Å"Best Practices†. – Set goals. -Step 3: Capture the current â€Å"as-is† process.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Investments Worksheet Essay

Answer the following questions in at least 50 words each: What are the main differences between a 401K and a Roth IRA? One of the main differences between a 401K and an Roth IRA is that a 401k is offered by your employer, while the Roth IRA is something an individual seeks and funds on their own. With a 401K your employer contributes or matches what you are putting into your 401K. How would you explain the difference between a stock, a bond, and a mutual fund? A stock is like owning a piece of a company, you are investing your money into something that is your that can make you more money. A bond is like loaning money to a bank or the government and when they pay you back, they pay you back with interest. A mutual fund is like investing in something with a group of people. Everyone owns a piece of it and benefits from it if it grows. What are the risks and rewards of investing? For investors, risk comes in many forms. There’s the risk of a downturn in stock prices. There’s the risk that inflation will erode an asset’s purchasing power. There’s the risk of political instability affecting international markets, but without risk there is no rewards. Sometimes you have to take a higher risk to get a better reward. They say depending on age should be how much you should be willing to risk.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Philosophy of a teacher Essay

What makes a good instructor? There are lots of factors, which determine the answer to this question, and one of the most important aspects of being a good teacher is, I believe, the teaching strategy of a teacher. I think that teachers play a very important role in molding the career of a student emotionally, technically and intellectually. A good teacher is a person who works with a single powerful goal in mind: working for the best interests of all the students, which help them, succeed socially and academically. I certainly don’t agree with the statement made by Dunny that a good teacher is just about knowing the curriculum and forcing the stuff on the students without taking much interest in it. I think that if this thought of dunny materializes, I can’t imagine the level of deterioration in education and true knowledge in the students. Being a good teacher does not mean a person with all the bookish knowledge imparting it to the students without taking a personal interest in the subject. Involving your whole self into the subject and helping the students to realize the main morale of the situation follows true knowledge and not the cramming of books. Also, I think that if a teacher pays greater attention to every student’s personal interests, it will help them to succeed in their career intellectually as well as morally. Besides imparting the curriculum on the students, a teacher has the responsibility of shaping the youths of their class with the knowledge and social experiences they will need to improve their future, so it is very important for a teacher to go beyond the curriculum and impart true knowledge. How can you expect a senior year student to succeed in college if he/she hasn’t got any preparation for the transition by the high school teachers? A true teacher in that case would bring a college like atmosphere into the classroom, which would help the students prepare for the way things would be in college. This is just a small example of what teachers are for, to educate students on more than just books or academics but on life. Teachers are more than just people who relay information about a certain subject. Being a teacher means being a mentor to someone who desperately needs a  mentor: providing love and understanding to someone who may not receive it at home: taking care of someone who is hurt: teaching students to be a success in life and being responsible for their future. The personal satisfaction of giving a new hope to the future citizens of the country greatly surpasses all the negative and strenuous aspects of the job. Learning needs to be fun and hands on as much as possible in order to keep the children interested and eager to learn and this is only possible if the teacher takes personal interest in the curriculum he/she teaches. If students are taught in a way that they will remember, then in the future they will be able to put this knowledge to use practically. If a teacher follows â€Å"the Dunny rule† in class, the students will grow rebellious eventually they may turn up to cursing and screaming in class due to the lack of enjoyment in the knowledge they are being imparted. This results in deviation of the schools main goal: To make their students succeed in life. Finally, I believe that the real duty of a teacher is to foster love for learning and take true interest in the knowledge he/she is imparting to all the students. This includes allowing students to take ownership of their learning, shape their instruction and ultimately give them the choice of success or failure depending on their own sense of responsibility. Thus, I believe that to be a successful teacher, not only one has to impart the knowledge in the curriculum but also prepare the students for life and this is only possible when the teacher takes personal interest in his/her subject while teaching and helps every student to succeed in academics as well as Life, beca use what matters finally is ‘Life’.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Types of Software Systems

Types of Software Systems Computers are the brain of new world that belong humanity. People save up time and obtain some functions with computers. In time, the future seen on computers and people pursue them. At first, they just consist of a lot of pieces electronic circuits to operate some function such as addition and subtraction. Electronic circuits in other words hardware systems are taken on meaning with software systems to solve more complicated function. Computer software systems are divided into three major categories: system software, programming oftware and application software. The initial section about software systems refers to system software. System software is substratum point on computer system which provide major actions. Other software systems base system software to command their functions. System software includes device drivers, operating systems and servers. Operating systems with other words collection of software resource common services for computer programs . They are the vital system on computer and provide database to application softwares.Device drivers which manage a particular kind of device, are computer program. Considering microphones that attached to computers, they need software to recognise themselves to operating systems. Servers is the system software that relate computers to each others. Internet is formed with server systems. Thus, information is accessible from person to person. The second part of software systems is about programming software. Programming software include tools that is used by software developers, such as create, ebug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. Computer need compiler which is set of programs for transforming source code into another computer programming language. This transformation create an executable program. In addition, computer debug and test from controller system to avoid bugs. This system is called debugger. Also, interpreters execute instructions written in programming language. They are language and basis of casual programs. Matlab and BASIC are instances for interpreter.The final section of software systems is application softwares. Application softwares support the user to perform specific tasks. This category of software systems contains user-friendly programs such as media players, office suites, accounting software, graphics software. Application softwares synchronize with system and programming softwares. All in all, system softwares, programming softwares and application softwares are main sections of computer softwares. Computers become functional with these softwares that synchronize hardwares.

Friday, September 13, 2019

International Business Organisation Management Report Essay

International Business Organisation Management Report - Essay Example The Bunnings Group Ltd is Australia and New Zealand's leading retailer of home and garden improvement products and is also a major supplier of building products. Its home building section especially targets small - medium builders. It became a public company in 1952 and in 1994 Wesfarmers acquired it. (Bunnings Warehouse Property Trust - BWPT website, 2006). The trust was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in September 1998. The BWPT properties are on long-term leased to Bunnings Pty Ltd. typically for a period of 10 - 15 years. (BWPT History Overview 2006) 2001 was the year of extensive growth for Bunnings as Wesfarmers took over Howard Smith Ltd, which resulted in Bunnings fully integrating Howard Smith's Australia and New Zealand's BBC hardware operations known as Hardwarehouse, BBC and Benchmark. The Bunnings brand was to replace all three previous brands (Wesfarmers website 2006). Bunning's is in the pursuit of sustainability within their operations by striving to making the operations socially responsible, environmentally aware and economically viable. Bunnings took shape in 1886 when Arthur & Robert arrived in Perth, WA from London and soon won a government building contract and soon founded the group of companies known as Bunnings Bros Pty Ltd. The company has since seen many milestones. In 1952, Bunnings became a public company and expanded into retail. In 1994 Wesfarmers Ltd., one of Australia's largest public companies acquired Bunnings and Wesfarmers has given an able leadership and direction to the company. All the departments and divisions are being managed very professionally with. Organisational Structure Bunnings is structured around a team-based belief in providing the best service alongside the widest range of home improvements at the lowest prices. On a company level, they are structured to pursue sustainability in all its departments and through all their supplier relationships. A manager is manages the trust which in turn is run by a board of directors. These directors and management control the general everyday activities of the business. The management chain goes down to the state manager followed by the regional manager and then individual store managers. A store manager controls the business which has his/her group of employees broken into teams depending on their department or specialty. For example, there may be up to 5 different teams, with a team leader in control of the employees of that team. The team leader has an important role as he/she has to manage and motivate the employees. Each Bunning's store has a strong emphasis on teamwork and each employee is valued in the business. A key factor that all team leaders have at every Bunnings warehouse stores is that they have "reward power". This is where they have the ability as a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards such as pay rises, bonuses and verbal praise. As a result members of the organisation are more motivated to perform at a higher level; managers will have a highly motivated workforce as efforts are appreciated. This is a fine example of the 'path goal theory' model. Bunnings Encourages empowerment by expanding employee's tasks and responsibilities, giving employees authority to take decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality, and cuts costs - and provide feedback

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Teratogens from a biological perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teratogens from a biological perspective - Essay Example The probability of impairment is determined by several other factors which interact with the teratogens. As mentioned above, several factors influence the adverse effects of teratogens and the accompanied pathological process. These factors include timing which refers to the phase of development or pregnancy which the child is affected by the teratogen. Certain teratogens only have the possibility to cause harm to during certain periods of development, whereas others are constantly harmful throughout the pregnancy. An example of such teratogens is behavioral teratogens which harmful regardless of the period. In essence, the neurological system is susceptible to damage throughout pregnancy. The critical period is also a stage of timing which should be considered as this refers to the period when an organ or tissue is most susceptible to teratogen effect (Holmes et al., 2011). The next factor is exposure, which refers to the dosage or quantity of the teratogen that the fetus is exposed t during development. In addition, the frequency which this fetus is exposed also determines the results of damage. There is also the threshold effect which involves the dosage which a certain teratogen is harmless to a fetus until the threshold has been surpassed. Interactions are also essential in the effects of teratogens and some of them are only effective or more effective in the presence of other teratogens. Other risk factors may also have the same relation with teratogens. The third factor that affects the presentation of teratogens is genetic composition. There are certain genes that predispose an individual to teratogens hence he or she is likely to be affected by them. Examples of teratogens include diseases such as AIDS, HIV or Rubella; drugs which can be either medical or social and environmental toxin (Rathus & Longmuir, 2011). As mentioned above, teratogens have different effects some which

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry Coursework

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry - Coursework Example Studies show that consumers have provided the impetus for economic recovery in many countries, including the US. In the wake of the US economic recession following 9/11, for example, the employment rate declined, wages stagnated, personal incomes struggled, but consumers were spending 10 percent more than the levels before the crunch. What happened was the consumers deferred their household mortgage and non-mortgage payments (housing and car loans, mostly) to pay for their daily consumption (Lilly, S. (2005). This means that come hell or high water, the consumer market is always there to lap up any brands that fulfill their needs. But precisely because the economy is in a strait jacket, producers of consumer goods and services need to navigate a minefield of challenges presented by a market made up of consumers who would only part with their hard-earned money if the brands offered to them have enough pulling power to influence their purchasing decisions. Logically, competition has ti ghtened up not only for the consumer market for goods but also for professional services, such that even the latter sector now calls for a branding strategy. The same thing goes for recruitment activities, which now use the branding approach to bag the most capable talents and personnel. Brand i Brand is the sum total of all that is known, thought, felt and perceived about a company, its product or service. It is the process of making products and companies into brands. The consumers' response to brand revolves around its image, and a strong and positive brand image influences consumers into making the decision to purchase. The marketer's principal goal is to build a relationship with buyers, not only for a single sale but also for the long term. The essence of this relationship consists of a strong bond that may be established between brand and buyer. Marketing concepts traditionally associated with the goods industry has been adopted in the service industry due to pressures exerted by rising prices and increased competition. Like all other industries, the rehabilitation industry has been buffeted by changes in technology and local economies. As in marketing for products, promotional efforts for the service sector now also put quality and customer satisfaction at the front burner. This discursive essay puts forward selected facts and theories about branding, the new challenges in marketing brands to a stingier and pickier consumer market, how bonds are established and maintained between brand and buyer, and how brands dictate the pace and scope of consumer purchasing. The essay also tracks down the journey of branding into the service industry, paying particular attention to the rehabilitation sector, which by necessity has evolved from its purely voluntary configuration into an industry as highly competitive as the market for consumer goods. II. Literature Review Haynes, A., et al. (1999) enthuse at the comprehensive brand presentation (CBP) technique, a formalized approach that aligns the manufacturing and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Representations of Women in Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Representations of Women in Art - Essay Example The essay "Representations of Women in Art" examines representations of women in art. Manet’s artwork is one of the artworks that have stilled a controversy when it is presented to the Salon. The artwork provides an image of a Negress and black cat arranged in a style to that of the Venus of Titian. The provocative nature of the image wants to highlight the issues of prostitution and racism. The representation already challenges the notions of people about art since this is considered a diversion from the traditional subjects depicted in art. This has portrayed the reality present that time that is occurring even until now: exploitation and objectification of women. Women have become subjects of desire and pleasure because of their exotic appeal plus the connotation of being an oriental being. This is a controversial representation since people back then are not really receptive of these kinds of art pieces since they have been to adherent to the ideological standards and noti ons of fine art whose legitimacy is being forwarded by the museums back then as an agent of state. Gerome’s work of art, the Slave Market, also portrays another problematic scenario about the treatment of women in the society. In this case, Gerome has highlighted how the upper class people in society uses their economic advantages to exploit others in order to supplement their needs and desires. There is still an intrinsic influence of a highly objectified treatment of women in the manner of representation done. ... Ingres, on the other hand, is relatively different in portraying the female body. He has provided a grand narrative in depicting women since he has portrayed nudity in a very different manner (Clark 127). There is indeed an incorporation of a highly sexual depiction of the body in his presentations of his works of art wherein the body, being the object of desire, is not detached from the notion of sex. However, his portrayal is not a subtle one but a challenging one that instead of being a sexual desire, there is a need to look to a woman as to who she is. At the same time, there is still no detachment to the realistic approach about the issue of sex being the main themes of his works. Seurat employs relatively the same manner of representation to that of the three. Inherently, the most common ground of these four artists is that they have represented the body of women in a realist perspective that is more affluent to the social condition that they are experiencing (Nochlin 51). Howe ver, there is still no detachment of the body with the sexual desire in their manner of representation since it still exploits the body of women. Even if there is a revolutionist approach in terms of representing women through highlighting the issues that women face, the fact will still remain that the body will still have problems since there is still difficulty drawing the line between nudity and nakedness. Both terms are actually crucial since these have been methods of representation that have placed the body of women at a very high risk. This risk entails that the context of gender politics and racial politics are still not settled. Inevitably, the issue that surrounds the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategies for Management Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategies for Management Improvement - Essay Example These are what to sell and whom to sell (Stone, 2001). It is entirely related to the markets and products. In this matrix, there are four quadrants that represent four courses of action that could be considered while making any strategic decisions regarding the growth of the organization. The matrix is shown below. In this growth strategy, existing products of the organization are sold in the existing markets. There are four major objectives that could be achieved by adopting market penetration strategy. These are increasing or maintaining the current market share of the existing products, securing dominance in the growth markets, restructuring a grown-up market and finally increasing the usage of the existing products by the existing customers. Increasing or maintaining the current market share of the existing products: this objective could be attained by adopting more competitive strategies regarding pricing, advertising. Putting in more resources into personal selling might also be helpful in achieving this objective. Restructuring a grown-up market: Any mature or grown up market could be restructured by driving out the competitors. Innovative pricing strategies need to be designed so that the competitors consider the market as an unattractive one. Again extensive promotional campaign would work as a catalyst in the process. In the ‘market development’ growth strategy existing products are sold into new markets. Implementation of this strategy would include selling products in new geographical locations, establishing or finding new distribution channels and designing innovative pricing policies. One of the most effective growth strategies is introducing new products in the existing markets where the organization already has its presence. New competencies are required to develop in order to adopt this strategy. Organizations can either develop entirely new products or simply modify the existing products in order to get the attention of the customers in the existing markets.

Consumer Behavior - Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer Behavior - Marketing - Assignment Example They were chosen as my subjects since they bought a high-involvement product which is a laptop . It is considered a high-involvement product since it is quite expensive and would be used for a long period. At the beginning, it was quite hard to look for these two subjects since many people buy different types of high-involvement products. Fortunately, some friends helped me out in finding two subjects who bought different brands of laptop some months ago. The profile of the subjects vary greatly, nevertheless, they are typical consumers since they go through a lot of painful decision-making before buying a product. Also, they needed advice from friends or colleague before making a decision of their own. Consumer A is a technogeek, someone whose main source of living is developing operating systems in an IT company. He is a very busy person living a high-profile life in the city. However, he is the father of a friend that is why he agreed to be my subject. The other subject is a stude nt in a university, a social science major heavily involved with research. I think their background would somehow be significant in their decision process in acquiring a laptop. In order to a have a logical presentation of the process they went through, I decided to tabulate the result in a table. Technogeek’s old laptop broke down and needed many upgrades to cope up with is demands being an incessant programmer. His need for a laptop is like his need for oxygen. He immediately bought a laptop three days after his old laptop broke down. His need is mainly triggered by his job. This consumer felt that there were too many demands from her research subjects. Although she has a desktop in her dorm, she needs a laptop to access the wi-fi environment on her campus. She also hangs out late night at some coffee shop writing her papers. Her need is triggered by mobility and access to information anytime she wants

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Legal Aspects of the Oil & Gas Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Legal Aspects of the Oil & Gas Industry - Essay Example The large multinational oil companies owing to their economies of scale as well as proper use of human capital have attained efficiency. But empirical evidence also reveals that nationalization of foreign assets hinders foreign investments and have resulted in the drop of output, national income for oil-dependent economies (Guriev, Kolotilin & Sonin, 2009, p.2). 2. Background Now with the nationalization of the international oil companies by the host countries many questions arise in the forefront. It can be questioned that whether the government of host countries achieves parity with the international oil companies while exercising their permanent sovereignty over the natural resources by nationalizing the operations of oil Companies who are exploring and exploiting oil and gas resources in their countries and thus bringing about socio-economic growth. The right of the host government for breaching terms of oil and gas transactions contracts between the countries and companies can b e done at will which also questions the sanctity of contract in such cases. Libya and Iran are two oil-rich countries where nationalization of international oil companies have taken place with various legal problems where the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have intervened and have declared various decisions. The paper will present a judicial precedent in accordance with the decisions taken in the Iranian case and then will discuss in what ways it has affected the Libyan case.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Engaging Strategy Essay Example for Free

Engaging Strategy Essay Introduction This paper will focus on constructing a strategy to engage and build rapport with a particular client on the provided vignette. The task is to navigate through obstacles that may arise that are unique to his characteristics including lack of information and limited research. To overcome these barriers of building rapport, the clinician must identify the client’s strengths and struggles as well as research scholarly literature on the client’s characteristics that are significantly different than the clinician’s to engage with and benefit the client’s session. Major Obstacles The major obstacles engaging with this particular client is the apparent lack of research on approaching a gay client with cultural competency, especially individuals who are intersected with other minority groups, in this case being Jewish as well as an older adult. According to Eubank-Carter, Curckell, and Goldfried (2005), as of 2003, only 54% of LGB-related articles have been based on empirical research and even less research addressing LGB people of color at a mere 12%. The lack of research on the client’s identity as a gay male poses as an obstacle as the clinician is a straight female, forming a barrier into building rapport on the basis of showing empathy and being relatable. According to Hepworth, Rooney, Rooney, Strom-Gottfried, and Larsen (2013), building rapport with a client enables clients to gain trust in the helpful intent and goodwill of the social worker† and further emphasizes, â€Å"cultural factors and language  differences compound potential barr iers to rapport even further (pg. 47). The multiple cultural differences between the clinician and client acts as a barrier to building rapport as well as connecting the client with connection to resources to fulfill his request. Adding to the lack of research on the client’s sexual orientation, he also identifies as a Jewish American, which may be a sensitive topic in building rapport, because it is unknown if he identifies ethnically, religiously, both or none. According to Faulkner Hecht (2010), for Jewish-American LGBTQ individuals, a significant issue that has been identified relates to the disclosure of their intersectional identity being a â€Å"twin threats of negative attitudes toward LGBTQ individuals and anti-Semitism† in which negative stigma towards LGBTQ identity was reinforced in Judaism, leaving those identifying as gay to conceal their sexual orientation and emphasizing their Jewish identity to avoid threats (Introduction section, pg. 830). This poses the delicate question of where the clien t has a support system, as upon first impression, it will appear blurred. Finally regarding the supervisor’s concern of the client being in an Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) relationship with his partner, the lack of research on same-sex couples, specifically males, issues that may become an obstacle include the clinician subconsciously viewing the issue through a heterocentric lens. Not only is research lacking on LGBTQ in general, especially with IPV, there is lack of training on how to approach cliental for clinicians who were brought up in a heterocentric majority society. This is not surprising as out of a study of 108 clinical and counseling graduate students, the majority stated they felt unprepared to work with LGBTQ clients (Eubank-Carter et al 2005, pg. 2) (check citation). Although resources are available for LGBTQ clients to be self sufficient, because of these issues mentioned above, they are limited. Countertransference With this client, I struggled with countertransference in terms of past experience and projective identification. This is not my first encounter with an older, gay client applying for low-income housing and the past client sadly faced discrimination by those running and living in the facilities. I am also aware although 22 states have passed laws prohibiting  discrimination against sexual orientation in private or public housing, those who hold authority in these areas can refuse services to LGBTQ clients without legal reasoning (Hillman 2014, pg. 272). The past client faced this situation and this knowledge could affect my ability to not give an attitude that Joseph will automatically face the same result, thus affecting my ability to develop a proper relationship as clinician and client. Although this is a secondary concern to suspicion of IPV that takes priority, it is still relevant as it maybe revisited later, thus creating another obstacle to building rapport. Scholarly Liter ature Eubanks-Carter, Burckell Goldfried’s article (2005) worked as a general guidebook for the clinician. It emphasized, â€Å"Our LGB clients are not only gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women; they are members of families, professions, and communities. Our goal is to affirm not only their sexual orientation, but their entire identity† (Eubanks-Carter et al, 2005, pg. 9). This was a reminder to learn to be culturally competent towards the client for more than just his sexual orientation, but as a whole with his other intersectional identities. Hillmans’ article (2014) covered the perspective of working with the client through the lens that he is gay and an older adult in his 70s. One important concept is point out that he grew up in an era where homosexuality in American was highly discriminated. According to Hillman (2014), the 1950s were a time when President Eisenhower issued 1953’s Executive Order #10450 ordering â€Å"homosexuals to be fired from government jobs† and McCarthy in 1954 included homosexuals in the group of â€Å"subversive elements†, (Historical and Cohort Effects, pg. 270). The client may still have negative feelings regarding homophobia from the past, thus it is imperative for the clinician to remain vigilant of her attitude and countertransference. Seelau Seelau’s article (2005) gave insight as to why the client, if involved in an IPV relationship, maybe reluctant to report. According to research, â€Å"police are reportedly less likely to intervene in domestic violence cases that involve gay or lesbian couples, perhaps due to sexual prejudice (i.e., homophobia) or gender role-stereotypes that women cannot be  abusers and men cannot be abused (Seelau et al, 2005, pg. 364). It is important for the clinician to keep note of this fact as the client may have distrust for law enforcement, thus keeping the abuse a secret.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Martin Luther King Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King Essay America was experiencing a situation of chaos in the 1950s when the African Americans and the people of color began to rise for the fight of equality and freedom, and racial differences were realized. Initially, blacks and colored were widely discriminated. There were separate restaurants for white and the colored; separate educational institutes and likewise, separate hotels and motels and other public places. Blacks were not given employments on the basis of race and color and the ratio of black working men was almost negligible. They were not even given the right to vote. Cases of police violation on blacks were tremendous. As a result, gradual frustration began bottling up in the blacks. Finally, much to their relief, a decision by the Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education was issued in favor of the blacks. This decision given on May 17, 1954, recognized the discrimination against blacks in the field of education and declared that separate educational institutes resulted in unequal educational opportunities. Thus, it ordered all states to combine the blacks and white into same classrooms. However, the country, particularly the Southern part of America, was reluctant in carrying out the court order and hence, many years passed but the order failed to be put into operation. That is when Martin Luther King Jr. appeared. King had been working for equality and justice of blacks for a long time and was one of the prominent leaders in this movement. In order to spring the court order into action and protest for freedom, King along with other more than 250,000 individuals led a march to Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, also known as the March on Washington. This rally included many other eminent characters such as actor Sidney Poitier, and labor leader Walter Reuther. All these influential heads addressed the audience and expressed their feelings individually; however, it was King’s speech; ‘I have a dream’ marked a landmark in civil right movement history. (Wikipedia, 1) About Martin Luther King Jr Born in January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Martin Luther King was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and a brother of two siblings. He earned his Bachelors degree in 1948 in sociology and then completed his Bachelor of Divinity degree afterwards. In 1955, he did his PhD from Boston University. Afterwards, he became a Baptist minister but then turned his focus towards the civil rights movement and fighting for the freedom of the blacks. He contributed to the establishment of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and also led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He was the orator of the memorial speech ‘I have a dream’. He received Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to eliminate racial discriminations. He was also declared â€Å"Man of the Year† by Times Magazine. King was shot dead on April 4, 1968 in Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was later established in his memory. (Wikipedia,1) Analysis of the Speech Style There is an element of emotional appeal in King’s speech. Rich in vocabulary, it is drenched in symbolism. The speech begins with an attention-grasping phrase and positive connotations. In fact, in the entire speech, whenever the future of blacks is mentioned, King has used strong and healthy words reflecting hope and an optimist approach. The first half of the speech; however, exposes the horrible reality the blacks faced. It narrates the story of thousands of blacks who were divested of their basic rights because of their coloring. King has made use of several phrases to describe the gloomy life of African Americans such as â€Å"the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. † (Alvarez, 339) King’s background as Baptist also came useful in his speech as it reminds many of the blacks’ Baptist sermons. It contains references from Bible; for example, his sentence, â€Å"It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity’ in the second stanza indicates to Psalm 30:5. Other allusions are found from Amos 5:24 and Isaiah 40:4. † (Wikipedia, 1) At the same time, the speech also reflects the Abraham Lincoln’s style in his Gettysburg Address when he uses the term, ‘Five score years ago’. (Public broadcasting service,1) Here again, the purpose of alluding to Lincoln in the commencing lines of speech is symbolic that is, he refers back to a leader who had fought the Southern states over the issue of slavery. In this way, King is reminding the whites that the slaves of in the 19th century and the blacks of 20th century shared a similar tragedy and the same repressive power. After emptying out his feelings of sorrow and despair for the African Americans, the speech then moves to the phase mirroring hope and about demanding their rights. Here, King uses the term ‘check’ to refer to their rights. (Heath, 146) His expressions such as ‘bank of justice’ and ‘riches of freedom’ compel any man of heart to melt and feel their pain. (Heath, 148) They are also an evident of his literacy exposure and knowledge which was rare in blacks at that time. Plus, these words depict a feeling of hope thriving in the speech. The way King demands for blacks’ right is purely beautiful and saintly as he says, ‘And so, we’ve come to cash this check’. (Alvarez, 352) Next, the speech emphasizes the significance of democracy and need to work together to achieve that state of democracy. Here, ‘Now is the time’ has been accentuated four times in the entire paragraph to demonstrate the critical requirement of acting promptly, without any further delay. (Alvarez, 355) He then refers this discrimination as a weakness of America that needs to be removed in order to achieve the nation’s mutual objectives. Here, King has used the technique of reaching the subconscious by using such words such as ‘children of God’ which itself defines that all blacks and whites are brothers. (Wikipedia 1) Hence, in this way, he didn’t have to say it directly and the message was also conveyed. While he talks of brotherhood and the need to put aside the differences and work together, he also issues a warning for the conflicting parties of the consequences if such circumstances failed to occur and promises the nation that they will struggle to fight and rebel until they were not granted their rights. This is evident from this sentence, ‘The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. ’ (Alvarez, 338) Nevertheless, King was against violence and sermonized the message of peace. Hence, the main objective of King in this rally was also to communicate his message in a non-violent manner. After encouraging the blacks to continue the fight, the speech moves to its second half – the part about his dream –an American dream. Here, ‘I have a dream today! ’ is repeated at intervals to indicate that the dream must be accomplished immediately and not in some future time. The most popular phrase of this speech ‘I have a dream’ is repeated eight times. (Wikipedia, 1) In this part of the speech that is about his dream, he has offered the image of a united country; a country free of discrimination and hatred; a liberal state. This part is highly rhetorical and lulls the audience into another world the world he yearns to create. His words carry such weight that the audience is bound to share his dream even if they deny it. At the end of the speech, he has named several different states of America. The reason was to make it clear that they want respect, dignity and equality in not just some parts of America but in fact, the entire country. This point was explicitly a clear indication for the Southern states. The concluding stanzas contain a stimulating phrase, ‘Let freedom ring! ’ and ‘Free at last! ’ (Alvarez, 351) The absorbing aspect of this speech is its rhythmical flow. The speech begins with a background of the black citizens’ existing situation and the crisis they are facing. It then proposes the solution to their dilemma; followed by the explanation of the reason of why this solution should be implemented. For this part, King uses number of tools such as facts and emotional appeal. At the end, in order to provoke the feeling of urgent execution of his solution, he shares with the audience a stirring dream i. e. his vision of the ideal situation that would prevail if his proposed solution was put into practice. Techniques Used The climax of the speech is distressing yet uplifting. The beginning stanzas reveal the sad state of blacks in America but the approach of the speech is highly optimistic and inspires the blacks to continue their struggle and the whites to bury their axes and embrace their black brothers. The technique of anaphora has been widely employed. Anaphora is the repetition of same word or phrase again and again at the beginning of sentences. For example, the most extensively used anaphora, also the title of this speech, is ‘I have a dream’. Similarly, other examples of this tool are ‘One hundred years ago’, ‘Let freedom ring’, and ‘With this faith’, along with many others. (Wikipedia, 1) The speech is filled with metaphors. For instance, ‘long night of their captivity’ refers to their sufferings and ‘nation’s capital to cash a check’ points to their purpose of protest. At the same time, ‘this nation will rise up’ is again an indication of the coming revolution. Similarly, ‘I have a dream that my four children’ refers to the black community in reality and the word my gives it a personal touch. (Heath, 160) In fact, King has personalized the entire message by using the words you, my and me. The wealth of this speech is its exquisite vocabulary. Words are skillfully manipulated in such a way that they attach a new meaning to every phrase. The popularity of this speech also owns to this factor. In addition, the quantity and quality of information and words reveal King’s extensive research done before delivering the speech, plus his vast knowledge since it contains references from the Bible, The Gettysburg Address and the US Declaration of Independence. (Public broadcasting service,1) Hence, King has used various techniques and tools in this address including facts, anaphora, metaphors, motivation, visualization, arguments and persuasion. The entire speech is highly figurative and symbolic. In fact, the rally outside the Lincoln’s Memorial is symbolic in itself: they were standing outside the steps of Lincoln Memorial i. e. the memorial of a leader who abolished slavery in the Southern states. (Wikipedia, 1) Conclusion The most distinguished fact about this march was its non-violent approach and this speech is its leading example. While its majority of audience was black; its main target was the white people. While he talked of revolution; his speech contained a message of peace. It was able to answer the meaningless questions of the opposing parties and warn them of the consequences of denying the blacks their rights without any form of hostility. In other words, it instilled in the whites a feeling of guilt and humbleness which proved to be enough to achieve their objective. At the same time, it prodded the colored citizens to keep their hopes high and not to rest until they were ‘free at last! It also motivated President Kennedy to extend his support for this issue. The context of the speech and of the surroundings also became one of the reasons for the popularity of the speech. His speech articulated the feelings of all colored citizens and his voice became the voice of all black citizens. To sum up, King’s speech ‘I have a dream’ touches the depth of the hearts and captures the minds. Its words were able to bring tears in the eyes at that time and carry a captivating effect on the readers even today. With tools such as anaphora and metaphors employed, the speech holds an air of charisma. It shakes the souls of the slumbering and the unjust alike. All in all, the linguistic power of the speech is what makes it stand out from the rest and gain the status of one of the most influential speeches ever delivered. Bibliography Alvarez, Alexandra. â€Å"Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’: The Speech Event as Metaphor,† Journal of Black Studies 18 1988: 337-57. Heath, Robert. â€Å"Black Rhetoric: An Example of the Poverty of Values† Southern Speech Communication Journal 39 1973: 145-60

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Bill Sackter and Barry Morrow

Bill Sackter and Barry Morrow The Rain Man Effect Bill Sackter was the subject of two television movies that helped change national attitudes on persons with disabilities. Bill was born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1913. He was the son of Sam and Mary Sackter, Russian Jewish immigrants who ran a grocery store. In 1920, his father died of a heart attack at age 35 when Bill was 7 years old. Bill did badly in school. The principal insisted that Bill was feebleminded, and that there was no place for him in the public school system. The State of Minnesota determined that he would be a burden on society so he was placed in the Faribault State School for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic. He remained there for the next 44 years, never saw his mother or two older sisters again. Bill wasnt autistic. He was opposite: a born people-pleaser who said hello to strangers in the street. At the Faribault, they hadnt tested his IQ until he had already been there for thirteen years. He was never taught to read or write or even how to tell the time. In 1964, in the new waves of reform, Bill was moved to a halfway house and worked odd jobs to support himself. He became a handyman at a country club where Barry Morrow, a filmmaker, and his wife befriended him. Morrow made life a bit more comfortable for Bill and became his guardian. When he took a post at the University of Iowa, Bill followed him to Iowa City, and became the sole proprietor of Wild Bills Coffee Shop on the campus, in which he excelled. In 1978, Bill was named Handicapped Iowan of the Year, and President Jimmy Carter invited him to the White House. In 1980, Morrow produced a made-for-TV movie based on the story of Bills journey to independence. The film won an Emmy award, a Peabody, and two Golden Globes. Two years later, Morrow made a sequel, Bill:On His Own. Bill died in his sleep on June 16, 1983. What Bill taught me, Morrow says, is that not only people like Bill need society, society needs people like Bill. *** As he pursued his career in Hollywood, Morrow became active in advocacy organizations like the Arc, the network of parents and disabled adults. In 1984, at an Arc conference in Arlington, Texas, he met Kim Peck, a savant who had exceptional memories, but experienced social difficulties. By eighteen months, Peck was memorizing every book his parents read to him. He mastered the standard high school curriculum with the help of tutors by the time he was fourteen. Taking a job in a sheltered workshop for disabled people, he performed complex payroll calculations without the uss of an adding machine. Yet he could not dress himself or attend to many of his basic needs without help. After seeing the Bill films, Peeks father, who was the communications director for the Arc, invited Morrow to Arlington to enlist him in raising public awareness of intellectual disability.ÂÂ   The result of the meeting was the 1988 movie Rain Man. Morrows original conception for the character of Raymond Babbitt was part Peek and part Bill. He had never even heard the word autism when he wrote the first draft of Rain Man. Dustin Hoffman was instrumental to make the character of Raymond autistic rather than just intellectually disabled. Gail Mutrux, Hoffmans associate producer had mentioned to a psychotherapist named Bruce Gainsley that she needed to find out more about the savant syndrome. Gainsley referred her to two psychologists who agreed to read Morrows script and offer feedback. One of the psychologist is Bernie Rimland, who suggested that possibility of an autistic savant. Rimland felt that the eccentricity of autism would make the film far more interesting. Rimland also put Mutrux in touch with several parents in his network, including Ruth Christ Sullivan. At the end, Raymond was a composite of Joe Sullivan and an autistic young man in New Jersey called Peter Guthrie. Rain Man opened in 1988 and won several Academy Awards. The film was nominated two Golden Globes and a Peoples Choice award. Rain Man has introduced a common but mistaken media stereotype that people on the autism spectrum typically have savant skills. But it has also dispelled several misconceptions about autism and increased public awareness of the failure of many agencies to accommodate autistic people.